Gary Lafayette recently played the role of defense counsel in a mock jury selection titled “Vore, vire, vua- what the …??- Figuring out Voir Dire” at the National Association of Minority & Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) Driving Diversity & Leadership Conference (DDLC) in New Orleans. Gary was joined by Beth Boggs of Boggs, Avellino, Lach & Boggs, LLC as counsel for plaintiff, and panelists Cisselon Hurd of Shell, Alexander Fischer of Sanchez Fischer Levine, LLP and Eastern District of Louisiana Chief Judge Nanette Jolivette Brown in a CLE moderated by Sonia Miller-Van Oort of Sapientia Law Group, PLLC and hosted by the Trials Practice Area Committee (PAC). Panelists shared strategic insights on how to get to know your potential jurors quickly, debiasing, incorporating your theme into the selection process, and rehabilitating potential jurors.


Gary was a founding co-chair of the NAMWOLF Trials PAC and previously served on the NAMWOLF Board of Directors.